
Un menu spécial pour les moutons brugeois

Des restaurants étoilés aux charmantes brasseries, en passant par les magasins de produits de bouche raffinés : les gastronomes du monde entier aiment manger à Bruges. Ils y sont soignés aux petits oignons. Et cela vaut aussi pour les moutons qui broutent à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la ville. Tous les jours, aux environs de midi, un menu très spécial est proposé à ces fins gourmets…

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La tentation des délices traditionnels de Bruges


La gastronomie de Bruges contribue à son rayonnement touristique. Les spécialités que vous y trouverez sont le fruit d’expériences ancestrales qui font perdurer une histoire passée de père en fils.

Bruges gastronomy: the best places and things to eat

Gastronomie Handmade

It’s nothing new that the beauty of Bruges charms everyone who visits it...

Travel: in search of trendy Bruges in autumn

Bars et cafés Gastronomie

It’s the city known for chocolate milk, fries and beer. Well, that’s the “boring” side of Bruges that we all know! What else do we know about the city? The historic city centre is beautiful, it has canals and swans, huge churches, and is on the UNESCO world heritage list.

City short break: 24h in bustling Bruges

Bars et cafés Gastronomie

There is much more to this city than the classical highlights. I decide to go a little more off the beaten track. With the aid of the user-friendly Handmade in Brugge map and the Xplore Bruges app nothing can go wrong.

Veggie options in Bruges

Bars et cafés Gastronomie

Nowadays, good veggie/vegan restaurant is classic thing in every city. The life with a conviction to not eat meat or dairy products is in Bruges easy – you can find nice restaurants with friendly owners in here. Here is the list of the best places to get breakfast, lunch, dinner or just have a nice coffee with tasty dessert. Everything in veggie/vegan edition!

Markets in Bruges


Markets are one of the typical Flemish traditions. Shopping products from local sellers in fresh air – what else do you need? In Bruges you can choose different types of markets and you can get so much more than food. How to describe this experience in three words? Fresh, high-quality and delightful. Let´s check what, where and when you can get whatever is on your mind!