
Bruges fait vibrer l'échelle de Richter

Une vue panoramique sur la ville historique, une impressionnante collection d'art et une acoustique à en rester bouche bée : Concertgebouw Brugge, la Salle de Concert de Bruges, a tout pour plaire ! Ce centre international dédié à la musique et à l'art est construit sur 5 000 ressorts qui, ensemble, peuvent provoquer un petit tremblement de terre. Prêt(e) pour le saut ?

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Like a fiddler on the rooftop of the Concertgebouw

Bruges, que ça sonne bien

Visiting the Concertgebouw gives you vibes. Surely that is because of its reputation as a vibrant meeting place and a major
international arts center.

A dazzling December Dance night by Forsythe and Sciarroni

Bruges, que ça sonne bien

As one of the last beautiful surprises of 2017, the annual international dance festival, ‘December Dance’ took place in Bruges last month. This renowned festival is a collaboration between Cultuurcentrum Bruges and the Concertgebouw and started in 2006.

Throwback to Iedereen Klassiek - an event for all types of musical hearts

Anyone who has attended in recent years will confirm it: ‘Iedereen Klassiek’ is a veritable feast of classical music. Classical music comes in all shapes and sizes, for every emotion and every occasion: ‘Iedereen Klassiek’ bathes everyone and everything in the city in a joyful classical-music bath.

Let’s have a fantastic evening in the most beautiful theatre of Bruges

Bruges, que ça sonne bien

Let's visit this beautiful theatre in the centre of Bruges and let yourself be immersed in the history and architecture of this historical building.