
Mobility and accessibility

Bruges is extra attractive during the Christmas season. In order to make your visit pleasant and enjoyable and to keep the city easily accessible for everyone, extra (traffic) measures have been taken which are in force on the following days: 27, 28 November, 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 December and 2, 3 January 2022.

On these days, the following streets will be made car-free between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.: Steenstraat, Geldmuntstraat, Noordzandstraat, the Markt and the crossing between Markt and Eiermarkt. Motorized traffic is therefore not allowed in these streets and the streets in between.  

Lodgings in these or intermediate streets remain accessible via Zuidzandstraat. You can leave the city via the intersection from Noordzandstraat to Ontvangersstraat.

In addition to the two paying public car parks in the centre, 'Station' and 't Zand', extra parking capacity will be provided in the vicinity of the inner city. De Lijn buses will provide regular free connections from all car parks and the station to the city centre and back.

See the map below (or view a large version here) for all practical mobility information during the end-of-year shopping days 2021 or download the pdf here. If you come to Bruges by car at other times, click here.