VISGRO vzw is the professional association for fish wholesalers and takes on many responsibilities. For example, it plays an important role in the VLAM (Flemish Centre for Agricultural and Fisheries Marketing), which promotes Belgian fish in the media as 'Locally-sourced fish'.
VISGRO is also working hard on getting theoretical and practical training organised for fishmongers and fish processors, with even a special section for chefs in training. In this way, the quality of future generations can be safeguarded. Events, such as the North Sea Festival and the Maatjesfeest of (H)Eerlijk Brugge (Bruges Matjes Festival) are also organised by VISGRO, with the emphasis always being on sustainably caught, healthy and, where possible, locally-sourced fish. This way, they support short-chain initiatives e.g. 'Food connects farmer and citizen'. Did you know that VISGRO is taking part in a new sustainability label along with ‘Visserij Verduurzaamt’, which was launched by the ‘Rederscentrale’? That way, a panel on the façade of fishmongers or a label on the packaging of the fish shows that the fish was caught by fishing boats that fish sustainably and land catches locally.