Grand Hotel Casselbergh
The Grand Hotel Casselbergh has many qualities to guarantee a special stay. Rich history is combined with modern luxury. The location, smack in the historic centre of Bruges — UNESCO World Heritage City — with its beautiful medieval buildings and idyllic canals, make the hotel unique. The luxurious hotel gives the historic houses 'Casselbergh', 'Seven Towers' and 't Fransch Schildt' a new destination. Throughout the centuries, the owners and occupants of these houses have always been prominent, sometimes noble people. Breathe the atmosphere of yore and enjoy! They combine contemporary luxury with authentic charm of 18th century Bruges. The hotel has various meeting rooms, 38 parking spaces and a great wellness centre in the 16th century cellars. This romantic hotel will most definitely enchant you and welcome you with attentive hospitality.

Exclusively for UK residents: Book a stay of at least 2 nights in Bruges and enjoy the exclusive free Best of Bruges Deal worth 50 euros!
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