
25/25 Contemporary art and architecture in Bruges

Bruges also has lots of hidden (and not-so-hidden) works that are a permanent part of its urban heritage. Exceptional contemporary monuments and innovative architectural projects that can be seen from the public roadway and stand out like beacons in the urban fabric. As part of the Bruges Pre-Triennial 2019, a start was made on drawing up an inventory of these works. A selection has been put together in a city plan, 25/25 Contemporary art and architecture in Bruges. This map will inspire you to explore the city, seek out unexpected places and surprise yourself with all the many exciting permanent artworks and installations that Bruges has to offer. 25/25 is a palette of interventions – big and small, by famous and by not-so-famous names – that keep the debate on contemporary art and architecture in our World Heritage City alive. Pick up a copy from our tourist offices.