
Brujas provoca vibraciones medibles en la escala de Richter

Una vista panorámica sobre el casco antiguo, una extraordinaria colección de arte y una acústica que corta la respiración: ¡Concertgebouw Brugge, el auditorio de Brujas lo tiene todo! Este centro internacional de música y arte se construyó sobre 5 000 muelles que juntos pueden provocar un pequeño temblor. ¿Estás listo para saltar?

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Like a fiddler on the rooftop of the Concertgebouw

Música antigua y clásica

Visiting the Concertgebouw gives you vibes. Surely that is because of its reputation as a vibrant meeting place and a major international arts center.

A dazzling December Dance night by Forsythe and Sciarroni

Música antigua y clásica

As one of the last beautiful surprises of 2017, the annual international dance festival, ‘December Dance’ took place in Bruges last month. This renowned festival is a collaboration between Cultuurcentrum Bruges and the Concertgebouw and started in 2006.

Throwback to Iedereen Klassiek - an event for all types of musical hearts

Anyone who has attended in recent years will confirm it: ‘Iedereen Klassiek’ is a veritable feast of classical music. Classical music comes in all shapes and sizes, for every emotion and every occasion: ‘Iedereen Klassiek’ bathes everyone and everything in the city in a joyful classical-music bath.

Let’s have a fantastic evening in the most beautiful theatre of Bruges

Música antigua y clásica

Let's visit this beautiful theatre in the centre of Bruges and let yourself be immersed in the history and architecture of this historical building.