
Brujas esconde un mensaje oculto de Hans Memling

En el siglo XV, la próspera ciudad comercial de Brujas fue la cuna de los primitivos flamencos. Hoy, todavía podemos admirar las obras maestras de Jan van Eyck y Hans Memling en pleno apogeo en numerosos museos de la ciudad. ¡Fíjate bien! Al parecer, en el mundialmente conocido retablo de los santos Juanes de Memling se esconde un secreto...

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Jan Van Eyck: an artistic break in Bruges

Los primitivos flamencos

Tourists come to unwind in Bruges, seeking its rich cultural, artistic and architectural heritage. And talking of culture and history in Bruges, means spending time with Jan van Eyck.

Marvel at the Flemish Primitives' Paintings in Sint-Janshospitaal and Sint-Jakobskerk

Los primitivos flamencos

Sint-Jakobskerk (St. Jacob’s Church) is a parish church in Bruges while Sint-Janshospitaal (Saint John’s Hospital) was a medieval hospital currently turned into a museum. Both are now bestowed with splendid art from the Flemish Primitives.

Smoke of the Failed Utopias, Ashes of the History, A Fable Mumbled


South Africa's virtuoso artist William Kentridge's exhibition 'Smoke, Ashes, Fable' is in Bruges with a special selection of the artist's works. Reframing the history, the exhibition invites us to feel about trauma and healing in its remarkable setting.